My experience with Oil-Cleansing Method plus Homemade face cream recipe

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Months ago I came across a post from where I found out that it is good to wash your face with oil(s). Yes, THE oils that you cook with. I was sceptic at the beginning so I started reading more about it just from a curiosity. I am not going to re-write here what I read on those many blogs I have found, and you would be surprised how many people actually do it (use oil to wash their faces with). Instead, if you’re interested, I’m posting links to a few of those posts I think are filled with good information about OCM (Oil-Cleansing Method) on the bottom of my post (look at related articles).

I’ve decided to try it.

I do have an oily skin and almost every day I had to wash it with water a few times a day in order to get rid of that oily shining.

I mixed my first batch of oils about two months ago using:

3 tsp Olive Oil

9 Tsp Hazelnut Oil

I keep it in a bottle of my old store-bought cleanser in the bathroom.

I’m almost out of my first batch but, for sure, there will be another one. I really like the way my skin feels and looks. I do not have to wash my face with water every few hours in order to stop shining 🙂

In my entire life I might have used one or two face creams but for the last few years I used non. Using the OCM has made my skin REALLY dry in some areas. From what I read I know that it happens when you chose a bad mix of oils for your skin or the proportions are not right. Next time I’m going to use more olive oil and less of the second oil (not sure yet which one I’m going to use).

So far to get rid of that dry patches on my skin I’ve decided to make my own face cream that would help me but not make my skin oily again.

I choose to use coconut oil. This oil is very moisturaizing and it suppose to be one of the best to use on your skin. I bought mine in our local store for $6  (14 oz.). I used it before to make deodorant and there is still plenty left in the jar.

For the face cream I used only 1.5 oz. I didn’t want to make a whole lot in case if it turned out bad and in addition I had a very small jar (2.3 oz) kept after my last store-bought face cream cleanser.

For the cream I used:

1.5 oz coconut oil

2 pills of vitamin C (crushed) *

3 capsules vitamin E

This cream is super easy to make. Coconut oil melts when it touches the skin but to dissolve the vitamin C and E in it I had to melt it in a double boiler. It took only a few minutes for the oil to change its consistency. It didn’t even have the time get warm. I powdered 2 pills of vitamin C and mixed it to the oil. I made sure that the oil is cold and then I mixed in the vitamin E (poked a whole with a sharp knife in every capsule and squeezed the liquid out).

* When I was making this cream the temperature in my kitchen was too warm for the coconut oil to set to its natural consistency so I put it in the fridge for 5 minutes. After I took it out I’d noticed that most of the powdered vitamin C is on the bottom of the jar. I left the cream to sit on my counter for 10 minutes until it became very soft and almost melted again. After that I stirred it really good with a toothpick and put it back to the fridge for one minute. I took it out, gave a good stir and put it back to the fridge again. I repeated it for a several times. To get rid of that problem I’m going to get a liquid vitamin C for my next batch.

This is what I ended up with. Very soft and easy to put on the skin cream.

When the temperature is below 75 F this cream won’t melt, so you can keep in the bathroom, for example.

When the temperature reaches above 75 F this cream will melt so it is better to keep it in the fridge. At this point it will  get hard. It is still easy to apply and absorbs quickly.

Love, Love, Love this cream!!!

Sumo's Sweet Stuff

26 responses to “My experience with Oil-Cleansing Method plus Homemade face cream recipe”

  1. nadinesellers Avatar

    have you tried almond oil? that’s the one i used in France and it works really well–of course you must apply it, i forget..but every time i did use it, i was smooth and content.
    i like your recipes and tips..


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      I made a body lotion with almond oil before and it came out great. Today I was looking at it at the store thinking if this kind would be good for my face… I should’ve bought it. Thank you for the advice 🙂


  2. marta Avatar

    nie wiem jak trafilam na twoj blog, ale bardzo mi sie tu podoba. nigdy nie probowalam kosmetykow wlasnej roboty, chociaz z bardzo mlodych nastoletnich lat pamietam ksiazke z poradami dla dziewczat nalezaca do matki mojej kolezanki ,wydana na przelomie lat piecdziesiatych i szescdziesiatych. pelno tam bylo rad jak zrobic wlasne kosmetyki. moze uda mi sie ja wyszukac na allegro… na “zalinkowanym” przez ciebie blogu wyczytalam ,ze przemysl kosmetyczny ( podobnie jak farmaceutyczny -imho) nie zawsze kieruje sie wylacznie naszym dobrem. przemysl to przemysl – musi zawsze przynosic zysk. a domowej roboty kremiki niekoniecznie dalyby tyle kasy co wszelkie kremy ze zlotem, perlami i czym tam jeszcze za grube pieniadze. mnie kiedys pewna farmaceutka powiedziala , ze z kremami to jak z placebo – pomagaja, glownie dlatego, ze w to wierzymy. i jeszcze dodala, ze najzwyklejsza nivea robi dla naszej skory tyle samo, co najdrozsze kremy z niewiadomo czym dodanym. moze wiec zrobie sobie wlasny krem? zainspirowalas mnie.

    pozdrowienia z brukseli


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      Hej Marta! Dzięki, że się zatrzymałaś na chwilkę u mnie 🙂
      Wiesz ja pierwszy raz zrobiłam swój balsam do ciała trochę więcej niż rok temu… tak z czystej ciekawości, bo miałam BARDZO łatwy i szybki przepis to chciałam spróbować. Od tego czasu nie kupiłam ani grama balsamu ze sklepu, ciągle ten swój oryginalny przepis ulepszam i coś nowego dodaję i jestem tak zadowolona z nich jak jeszcze nigdy z żadnego kupionego. Potem jak zrobiłam ten pierwszy balsam to zaczęłam czytać artykuły i przemyśle kosmetycznym i dopiero mi się wtedy oczy otworzyły. Dużo ze składników które są używane prawie w każdym kosmetyku jest szkodliwych dla naszego zdrowia, a niektóre są rakotwórcze… zaczęłam czytać opakowania tych różnych kosmetyków i faktycznie, wszystkie miały w sobie jakiś składnik z tej listy rakotwórczych, alergicznych oraz wywołujących inne przypadłości. To wszystko jest używane aby “zakonserwować” dany produkt, aby dać mu prześliczny zapach albo upulchnić, czy spowodować, że się pieni (jak w przypadku szamponów)… Ja jak robię swoje balsamy to muszę je trzymać w lodówce bo nie mają w sobie żadnych konserwujących składników.
      Do tego wyczytałam, że wiele z tych składników które są w komercyjnych produktach “uzależnia” Twoją skórę i potem jak przestaniesz używać danego balsamu albo szampony albo kremy to Twoja skóra zaczyna “wariować”, staje się sucha, za tłusta, itp. i to powoduje że wracasz do danego produktu i kiedy wszystko wraca do normy myślisz sobie: “kurde, ten szampon (albo cokolwiek) naprawdę działa. bez niego moje włosy są takie okropne i suche”. to okropne jak przemysł kosmetyczny działa na rynku. ja teraz tylko mydło używam kupione, resztę robię sama. nie dosyć, że cholernie tańsze to mam satysfakcję z tego procesu “towrzenia” oraz ze świadomości, że wiem co na siebie nakładam 🙂

      Jeszcze raz dzięki za wizytę i za komentarz. Mam nadzieję, że zatrzymasz się tutaj cześciej! Miłego dnia!


  3. marta Avatar

    to ciekawe, co piszesz na temat szamponow… ja na przyklad nie moge stosowac zadnych “upiekszaczy” i “ulepszaczy” do wlosow. od razu mam reakcje alergiczna ( swedzi!!!). a tu link do bloga pewnej dziewczyny, ktora calkowicie zrezygnowala z mycia wlosow szampnami. na to, to ja jednak jeszcze nie jestem gotowa…


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      no ja też nie myję włosów szamponem ani nie używam odżywek. Myję głowę roztworem z wody i sody oczyszczonej, a potem trochę soku z cytryny… będzie już z parę dobrych miesięcy jak użyłam szampon po raz ostatni. super tani i zdrowy sposób 🙂


    2. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      ta dziewczyna używa octu… co ja robiłam przez pierwszy miesiąc albo i dłużej, ale potem mój mąż zaczął okropnie narzekać, bo on nienawidzi zapachu occtu, że nie może się do mnie zbliżyć, bo “pachnę”. Zastąpiłam to roztworem z soku z cytryny – działa tak samo 🙂


  4. claire Avatar

    Sounds very interesting,thanks for sharing this on Creative Mondays 🙂


  5. Jennifer Ward-Pelar Avatar

    Every single thing you put up is useful. What in the world did I do before you came into my life? Used store bought crap, that’s what! I struggle with finding the right product. My face is always tight and dry AND broken out. I’m going to play around with this and see what I can do….


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      Thanks Jennifer, you always know how to make my day better (lately it all sucks).
      Yes, this cream is really good. I mean, REALLY!!! It’s so cheap to make, too, and it seems like it’s gonna last me for a while. I use it for 3 weeks now (everyday) and there plenty left, almost like I haven’t been using it! I love it! Let me know how it works for you if you decides to make it.


      1. Jennifer Ward-Pelar Avatar

        I will. I have to find something that works!


        1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

          it works on my face. I was afraid that with an oily skin already I’m gonna get pimples or my skin will be shiny and ugly but… it didn’t happen. I have no pimples or shiny face and my dry patches dissapeared.


  6. Lea H @ Nourishing Treasures Avatar

    Thank you for your submission on Nourishing Treasures’ Make Your Own! Monday link-up.

    Check back later tonight when the new link-up is running to see if you were one of the top 3 featured posts! 🙂


  7. […] My experience with Oil-Cleansing Method plus Homemade face cream recipe ( […]


  8. […] the day I made my first cream from coconut oil I am in love in it. In coconut oil, I mean. It works wonderful and it smells pretty darn good, […]


  9. Michelle Avatar

    I like ur idea for the face cream, I am going to run out and pick up some vitamin C tomorrow, and I’ll let u know how this turns out, Thanks.


  10. gara Avatar

    hi is there any lab which you can sent home made face creams for testing and to find the ingredients???


    1. Mom Photographer Avatar

      I would say, go to the any University chemistry laboratory. Those students would do that for you for free.


  11. […] As for myself I am going to share very simple recipe for every day face scrub. As some of you might know already, I do not use any commercial face cleansers, or body lotions, or shampoos, or deodorants.I went through a period in which I had tried the oil cleansing method. You can read about it here. […]


  12. hilda Avatar

    That looks like a great face cream recipe! Some people get cosmetic acne from coconut oil, however… But if you don’t have any problems then there’s no reason to stop using it. I kind of like coconut oil for the face as well.
    Did you consider using castor oil in the oil cleansing recipe? Castor oil has many cleansing properties and some people claim that it’s necessary for a proper OCM. I’ve done it without several times as well though 🙂 Hazelnut oil sounds wonderful by the way, I don’t think I’ve ever tried it.


    1. Mom Photographer Avatar

      Hey! Thank you for your recommendation. I’ve switched to coffee grounds-coconut-oil-honey face scrub. I’ve been using it for two months now and it works great. No acne at all.


  13. bunbunbin Avatar

    Hi Mom,

    I started to use the oil cleansing method (castor+olive) in the last couple weeks. yes, it feels great in my face! and for face mask, i love lemon juice. It’s like killed all my pimples and acnes..

    But i don’t know why.. after yesterday i used lemon for mask, i got many pimples today… 😦

    Btw, i like your face cream recipe. Can i replace the coconut oil? maybe combine olive or castor oil, vit C and vit E. Have you tried?


    1. Ewa "Mom Photographer" Avatar

      no, i have not tried it… but I would guess it wont hurt you to try. these days I use only coconut oil-coffee grounds-honey scrub on my face. I use it once a day and it works wonderful!

      sometimes the reason of your pimples might be your diet,too. maybe you ate something very spicy or too much sweets. try egg white mask, or avocado-plain yogurt-honey mask. they are amazing and should help you.


  14.  Avatar

    I use the oils to wash with too, but I use rapeseed oil and castor oil, maybe try that? xx


    1. Ewa "Mom Photographer" Avatar

      I switched to coconut oil, honey and coffee grounds mask. I’ve been washing my face with it for more than a few months now and I am loving it!!!


  15. Anna Avatar

    So easy, yet such a nice recipe for a face cream! I have been making my own face cream fir over a year now, but I really like the simplicity of this one, and recently I have been hooked up on adding vit C t my face creams after reading about how beneficial it is for the skin. Thank you for sharing, and thanks for many interesting posts on your blog!


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