365 Self-Portrait Project (week 18)

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I’m writing this post being not in my twenties anymore. One day I woke up feeling 30 and that was it. As my friend says: “Life begins after 30” 😉

I think my life have really started when I had my first baby.

Before that it was just preparing, tasting, seeking… .

These days my life flies by and I don’t know when and how. It’s crazy:


… and this picture is the evidence for that 😉


Those pictures were taken on the run. The one with my reflection was literally taken on the run. I started the day thinking how great self-portraits I’m going to take at the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz (it’s a link to a few pictures and a short story from our trip) where we were going but not knowing the life with two small kids that well I overestimated it and there was no way for me to just relax and have at least 5 minutes for myself up there. Our screaming and throwing tantrums No 1 focused all the attention on her. Not only my attention but all the people who were around us trying to enjoy their tour.


It might look a little confusing with the first picture in which I’m breastfeeding her… .

I bottle-feed her as well… .

She is not a very good eater. She still sleeps a lot and the only way for me not to loose my milk supplies and for her to get enough milk is pumping and bottle-feeding her in between breastfeeding. [sigh!]

At least this time I have an electric pump not manual like with my No 1. I HATED IT!!!

So at the same time I was feeding No 2, No 1 was having her breakfast and I was trying to eat mine while going through the pictures for this post.


She is the most happiest baby while sleeping on me or her dad. No matter how uncomfortable her position looks she doesn’t care.

You think this was comfortable?:

I don’t 😉


…and again.. day with the Little One on my arms. Sleeping.


Out of the dish washer detergent 🙂


whole wheat blueberry-banana pancakes for breakfast. It’s all seems like a quiet morning but just for your notice I took this picture about 20 minutes ago (11:20am) and after that I put away that fork and gobbled down a few of those like I didn’t eat for a week. There is no time to enjoy food these days 😉

My head is spinning today and the only thing I think of is to go for a long walk. Just me and my camera.

… or to sit and cry! Cry the hell out of me…

Oh NO, wait… the first thing I think about is a SHOWER!!! I wish I could take a long, hot shower, than I wish I could sit and cry the hell out of me… and then clean on my body and soul go for a long lonely walk.

How does that sound… for me it sounds like a wishful thinking… .

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?Photo Art FridayChic Homeschool Mama


44 responses to “365 Self-Portrait Project (week 18)”

  1. Sandra Avatar

    You’re an amazing Mom…..and the first photograph is proof that you’re an incredible multi-tasker. You’re doing a great job.

    Is there some way, your husband could watch your children for at least 30 minutes a day, so that you could go outside by yourself with your camera?
    That little bit of time, would be all about you…..I know you would come back home with a smile on your face….



    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you so much, Sandra! I finally had a chance to take the shower listening my two year old banging on the bathroom’s door for almost the entire time, though. better this than nothing. 🙂


  2. chichomeschoolmama Avatar

    I think it’s so great that you are still getting your pictures & selfies in with all you have going on. You rock! I did the pump thing. I could never get my kids to latch- so I exclusively pumped for a year for each of them. You got to do what works for you & your situation- it’s good that you are able to do both.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      it’s amazing that you were pumping for a year with each, Gina! that’s impressing. I’m tired of pumping once or twice a day and it’s not even every single day.


  3. Loredana Donovan Avatar

    Nice photos. I really like the second one in black and white. Those whole-wheat blueberry-banana pancakes look really delicious! 🙂


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      I’ll be posting more of these pancakes pictures and the recipe on Monday 🙂


  4. Leovi Avatar

    I like these photos, pure tenderness. Greetings.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you!


  5. NatureFootstep Avatar

    wow, lots of sharing your life here. Haveing a newborn is quite a change in ones life.
    That shower an walk sounds like a good idéa. Sometiems we need a moment to reflect on things. Even our small loved ones. Thanks for sharing . 🙂 You are a great photographer too.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      walk would be nice, but I got to shower instead! some “me time” anyway! 🙂
      thank you for stopping by!


  6. photobypawelp Avatar

    tak sobie klikam i patrze na rozne prace itrafiam na Twoje… kurde no nie da sie przejsc niezauwazenie, kazda praca ma w sobie cos co mnie zatrzymuje przy niej, masz swietne wyczucie, swietne kadry. Twoje prace zyja!!!!!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      Ha! to się nazywa “komentarz”!!! Dzięki Paweł ! Ja dzisiaj jestem w nastroju gotowym do porzucenia tego projektu. Doła mam i tyle. Dwójka dzieciaków na karku i każde wyje w tym samym czasie i wszyscy głodni i ja głodna i ogólnie porażka.

      Przejdzie mi na pewno a to dzięki takim komentarzom jak Twój !


      1. photobypawelp Avatar

        To widze nie jesrem sam przechodzacy dolki. Glowa do gory, kobiety sa silniejsze niz faceci i potrafia zniesc duzo wiecej, chwilowe powatpienia sa normalna czescia kazdego z nas… jest taka piosenka 🙂 ” always look on the bright side of life…” Az zazdroszcze ci jak pieknie fotografujesz, to jest jakby sie ogladalo film 🙂


        1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

          czego Ty mi tutaj zazdrościsz?! popatrz na swoje zdjęcia i komentarze ludzi! to chyba coś znaczy!
          a tak na marginesie to dobrze wiedzieć, że nie jestem sama z tymi dołami. podołujmy się zatem razem, tak wirtualnie! 😉


  7. Ida Avatar

    In always interesting to take a peek into your life. Those shots of you feeding the baby while cooking were great (way to multi-task). The pancakes look delicious.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you, Ida! you have to know that while feeding I also had to set up the camera 😉
      and those pancakes were indeed delish 🙂 really a great way to start the day!


  8. DebC Avatar

    Consider [[ this ]] a cyber-hug from me.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      I do so appreciate this hug 🙂


  9. Merike Avatar

    Hello! Nice images. Yes, “Life begins after 30″; I have a same idea 🙂


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      🙂 I believe that our age is more a mental thing than a chronological 🙂 thank you for stopping by


  10. merione Avatar

    everyday things are the best. Happy Mother’s Day!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you a lot!


  11. theartfuldiva Avatar

    I get lost in time reading your posts. I love your 365 photo project!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you so much! you made me smile 🙂


  12. Wendy at Salt and Wine Avatar

    As usual I’m inspired and in awe! They’re all so natural yet so perfect – love it! And that new little one – SO ADORABLE!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you so much, Wendy ! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!


  13. Bonnie Avatar

    Love these moments of the life of a mother. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing with PAF.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you, Bonnie!


  14. Mary Avatar

    You so beautifully captured the art of what we do! Especially with such a little one, isn’t it amazing how you can nurse while doing EVERYTHING! I will say that yes, life begins at 30 which is unfortunate when you start having kids at 20 like me. 🙂 Beautiful pictures!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      but doing everything while nursing is just killing by back!!! I wish I had a pocked like a kangaroo. my life would’ve been much easier then 🙂


  15. Stephanie @ Naturally Mindful Avatar

    Really great shots! I love the one where you are nursing and cooking! Supermom!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      “supermom”… hm… didn’t think about it before like that BUT wait… we mothers are all SUPER 🙂
      thank you!


  16. Sarah Halstead (@sarahmhalstead) Avatar

    Love these!! So beautiful!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you so much!


  17. Mary Avatar

    Great job documenting the little things! Love it!


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      thank you!!


  18. Jennifer Avatar

    Oh sweetheart, you sound so tired. I’m sending you a big hug. I hope things will calm down here shortly. At least she’s sleeping and not screaming. The one with her upside down on Jay asleep made me laugh.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      at least I got to take a shower after I posted this. It seems like Jay reads my blog from time to time 😉


      1. Jennifer Avatar

        Haha! That Jay!


  19. Pieces of Sunshine Avatar

    It’s a real blessing to be able to communicate and relate through blogging. I think many of us have had similar times of mothering in recent years and no contact with the outside world to help get us through. Blogs are a wonderful outlet and point of contact for those days and weeks when it’s almost impossible to leave the house.


    1. Polish Mom Photographer Avatar

      You’re so right!!! So many times I though I can’t keep up with this project because I am too tired or just simply without any ideas BUT then I though how many great and supporting comments I get when I post my pictures from this project and I feel like it HELPS me to deal with what you just said 🙂
      It keeps me going and it makes me feel better about myself and about being tired momma 😉
      thank you for your great comment!


  20. Andrea Avatar

    I love the picture of your nursing while cooking. Motherhood is all about multitasking!


  21. […] 365 Self-Portrait Project (week 18) (momphotographer.wordpress.com) […]


  22. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? Avatar
    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious?

    Love the nursing and cooking. I don’t think I’m that talented! And, you seriously look awesome!

    And, the showers..the long, hot nice ones? They come..soon and you’ll be able to enjoy it.


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